Riding the Waves: Complex Parenting in a Pandemic


This post is the closest I’ve come to going viral with Wild Peace for Parents. So many parents and organizations shared it. I wanted to share it here again in case you missed it.

Parents and caregivers are under extreme pressure these days. Even before the pandemic, many of us were exhausted and overwhelmed. Supporting a child who faces mental health, developmental, behavioral, emotional or learning challenges is hard. On a given day, you experience a whiplash of emotion. It can be stressful and magical, perplexing and enlightening, depressing and inspiring - - ALL at once.

Even in the best of times, the system isn’t set up to make finding support easy. Navigating the healthcare system and special education process is a master-level maze that keeps changing. Social pressures make us feel like we should be able to do it all, though even an octopus would be challenged. Stigma keeps many of us silent.

But the hardest part is feeling ALONE. As if you’re the only one dealing with these concerns. As if nobody ‘gets it’. There are so many great resources offering parenting advice right now… (Great intentions, but I’m saturated!) Sometimes you just want someone to say, “how are you holding up?” And listen without judging. Nod in understanding. Hug - at least from a distance. There’s nothing better than connecting with someone who truly understands.

We all need to feel seen.

When Your Child Struggles, You’re Allowed to…

  • feel all your feelings, even if they seem wrong

  • listen to the experts, but trust your gut

  • love your child, yet wish things were easier

  • be polite, but advocate like a bear

  • be kind to yourself, even if you feel ineffective

  • put yourself first so you can keep on giving

  • set boundaries, even when it’s awkward

  • hold joy and sorrow at the same time

  • believe you’re a superhero, perfectly imperfect

The caption read:

This is your permission slip to embrace the whole range of emotional and practical challenges that come with raising or caring for a child who is struggling.

Whether it's #ADHD, #Anxiety, #Autism, #FASD, #SensoryProcessing, #Depression, #2e, #LD, other #SpecialNeeds, or NO label at all, just “complicated” - -

A real, powerful shift can happen when you realize the hard and the wonderful can change by the moment. Contradictions are all part of the "journey".

Allow yourself to ride the waves.

My aim was to offer some perspective and to remind you that you’re not alone. Creating infographics and inspirational resources to boost parent and caregiver wellbeing is my passion, but I don’t always get to know what resonates.

Which of these themes struck a chord with you? I’d love to get your feedback and thoughts so I can focus on creating resources that matter to YOU.

👉Please leave a comment here - or send a private message through wildpeace.org, Facebook or Instagram.

Sending wishes of wellness and virtual support,
