How To Thrive
Thriving in the Middle of Things
‘Thrive’ definition
to grow, develop, or be successful. to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances.
When our kids face challenges, we do too.
Parents like us experience substantial emotional stress. We’re the ones who worry about why our kids are struggling and whether we’re supporting them the right way. We’re the ones advocating ourselves to exhaustion. We’re the ones fending off judgmental glares when our kids don’t behave as expected and fielding messages from frustrated teachers.
Let’s not burn out!
Multiple studies have shown that parents of children with challenges experience more stress, illness, and psychiatric problems than other parents. Burnout has long been known as a risk for people who take care of other people, such as social workers and firefighters, but parents can experience burnout too. We need to protect ourselves, so we can give our kids our best - not just what’s left.
Is it possible to thrive?
Thriving in the midst of it all might seem impossible, but we owe it to ourselves to take teeny tiny steps each day in that direction. Micro tweaks in your mindset and habits will transform your life.
When you feel grounded, connected and supported, you can be the parent you want to be. Our kids deserve that. Give yourself permission to strive to thrive.
Here are 5 keys we emphasize at Wild Peace that will help you get there:
1. Adjust Your Mindset
Our kids will push us to grow in ways we never imagined. Even in difficult situations, we always have a choice in how we react. Learning techniques to find calm in the storm and enhancing your awareness moment to moment will help you respond in more creative ways and feel more connected with your child.
2. Let Go of Expectations
We are all perfectly imperfect. Learning to embrace the child you have with understanding, empathy, and joy is part of the process. Cutting yourself some slack is too.
3. Replenish Yourself
Lots of self-care advice can seem out of reach to parents like us, but there are practical ways to fill your own cup. Drinking enough water, taking deep breaths, and being kinder to yourself in your head are simple steps that will make a difference.